Moving Along…
I know it has been a while since I’ve updated, but it has been rather busy here. Now that Covid is in an apparent decline, social life seems to return; the past week I have been occupied with such events.
But, it was also last week when I received my novel back from Atmosphere. They have designed the interior, and now I must go through the process of editing the book once more. I thought this would only be the typo portion where I can’t make major changes, but I can actually do quite a bit at this stage if I so choose.
There are a couple of questions I have about the novel that I am hesitant about. One is the language, which can be gratuitous in some places. I try to keep it as real as possible, but when writing fiction, there is always the possibility of going overboard.
The other question is the word count. I only managed to knock the beast down to 120,000 words or so, which around 440 pages in this design. That’s a huge novel. I don’t know if I should or could knock another 20,000 words out.
I am hoping to get this done soon, but this is a big task. Stay tuned for more news.